What is the one task that, if completed, will make today a success? What can you do to make it as easy as possible to get started? (James Clear)
This is a an excellent question to not only get us all thinking , but to hold us accountable to formulating a plan to make it happen. I've talked about creating an environment around you that will set you up for success. Whether its eliminating junk food from your kitchen to allow you to make better choices or setting out your workout clothes to signal its time to work out in the am, creating an environment around you that supports the direction you want to go in, makes an incredible difference.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.”- Aristotle
The quote above reaffirms the one I sent out last week. It relates to my favorite concept...the compound effect~(repeating small, consistent behaviors over time will lead to greater gains). Successful people choose behaviors, they repeat daily, that allow for the compound effect to kick in.

The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.
You are aware of the compound effect~ defined as "the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices." Just as investing money leads to greater rewards, so does exercise. Taking action every day, whether for 10 min or 45, will lead to healthier gains.

The Body Achieves what the mind believes!
Your mind is your most powerful tool. The way you think informs the way you perform...100%. We all have a time where we want to quit, shy away and doubt ourselves, inside and out of the gym. What's important is we dig a little deeper, draw on our resources and support and take the step to face a challenge that will lead us to become stronger and more resilient.

Making a change and moving out of your comfort zone
No one here at TMF is judging you, labeling you or putting limitations on you...especially me! Trust the process, be willing to get a little uncomfortable at times, and you will grow stronger as person (inside and out)!

If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.
I chose this quote because we all have challenges in and outside of the gym. I believe challenges (although hard and sometimes devastating), provide opportunity for growth and improvement. Challenges are inevitable but by continuing to believe in yourself and explore ways to grow and overcome, you will change and become stronger and more resilient.

Add Strength Training In Your Week
Lifting weights boosts energy and improves mood - I can actually see this in some participants after class!

Changing Your Mindeset
This time of year you will hear and read a lot about how to stick to your New Year resolutions or how to set a goal and stick with it. This is info we have all read and heard before but yet, we still have a difficult time sticking with. This year I encourage you to allow your body and those around you to motivate and keep you consistent with your workouts.